How it started
While writing a review on actin diversity (Velle and Fritz-Laylin, 2019), we collected images of actin and DNA staining from colleagues working on a variety of organisms. We thought it would be useful to match the scale of the images to fully appreciate the variety of actin structures. This ended up being a more useful visualization than we had imagined, and we have continued to add more organisms, revising the poster several times.

How it's going
I am still adding new organisms to the poster, which has grown substantially from the initial version and now includes microtubules.
If your model organism is not represented and you would like to provide an image, I would be happy to add it! Please email me your image with Actin, Tubulin, and/or DNA staining in separate channels (tiffs or nd2s work well) with a 5 micron scale bar. Please also include the information that should be added to the image credits.
If you'd like to print the most recent version of this poster for your lab or office, head over to the printable posters page!